My neighbor
Now i was only in a compression thong, but the situation called for a run. I decided that rather than run to my apartment, i would take an opportunity from this moment to get a good run in. It was more of a natural run for me anyways. No Garmin, No Shoes. Just a thong and two angry men chasing me. I quickly made a left turn onto the main street. The shouts in the backdrop started to dissipate and pretty soon it was just me, the street, and the morning. I decided that i was gonna run the ten mile loop today. After the two mile mark, i started to notice that it was pretty cold out. Now don't get me wrong, it has warmed up a bit since last week, but forty degrees is pretty cold when you don't have a shirt on. My feet were also hurting from the pounding on the cold pavement. I had memorized where each telephone pole was so i was staggering from side to side to avoid getting within ten feet of one during the run. Around the six mile marker, i was kind of numb and feeling like i was hitting a good clip. I ran by a couple walking their dog. I must have caught them by surprise as they didn't give me their usual "number one" gesture. After i passed them, i thought i heard the sounds of someone puking followed by a "Put on some clothes".. But it must have been something else going on back there. I finally got back home. Wow! This barefoot running thing is A-MAY-ZING! My feet barely hurt and although my chest was cold and i couldn't feel my nostrils, i felt this was the healthier way to run. I figure i should really nail a few of these runs in every other week.
Now I came across another genius running idea as well. As some of you SLOW readers out there know, i like to dole out sage like running advice which will help put some pep in your step and make you less SLOW. Today, i was thinking about how awesome it is when you take a gel pack and the burst of energy which ensues. Well, don't you hate it when after you drink an energy drink, take a gel pack, eat a banana, and drink a gallon of water six hours before a race you have to use the bathroom? It makes me mad because my body is practically wasting all of those nutrients which i had put into my body to help with my running in the first place. So i decided that for tonights run i am going to make sure that all exits are "locked" with some type of duct tape or staple or something so that my retention ratio age grades at a 100%. I will let you know how this goes...
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