Running Fast Man

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day Twenty One: Not So Neighborly

Today started off with a bang.  Literally!  I woke up fifteen minutes early to the loud sounds of pounding.  The source of the disruption appeared to be from my neighbor's apartment above my unit.  He may have been getting injured as there appeared to be a lot of furniture moving and i thought i heard a scream or a moan.  I decided that this was the sound of an emergency so i quickly ran upstairs, kicked open the door and ran to his bedroom, which seemed to be the area of action.  Much to my dismay, it was.  I saw my neighbor on his bed with a partner, and they both were in the buff..  Suddenly, they noticed that i was there and stopped moving.  I heard a "What the F$&& are you doing?" and soon a footchase was underway. 

My neighbor

Now i was only in a compression thong, but the situation called for a run.  I decided that rather than run to my apartment, i would take an opportunity from this moment to get a good run in.  It was more of a natural run for me anyways.  No Garmin, No Shoes.  Just a thong and two angry men chasing me.  I quickly made a left turn onto the main street.  The shouts in the backdrop started to dissipate and pretty soon it was just me, the street, and the morning.  I decided that i was gonna run the ten  mile loop today.  After the two mile mark, i started to notice that it was pretty cold out.  Now don't get me wrong, it has warmed up a bit since last week, but forty degrees is pretty cold when you don't have a shirt on.  My feet were also hurting from the pounding on the cold pavement.   I had memorized where each telephone pole was so i was staggering from side to side to avoid getting within ten feet of one during the run.  Around the six mile marker, i was kind of numb and feeling like i was hitting a good clip.  I ran by a couple walking their dog.  I must have caught them by surprise as they didn't give me their usual "number one" gesture. After i passed them, i thought i heard the sounds of someone puking followed by a "Put on some clothes".. But it must have been something else going on back there.  I finally got back home.  Wow!  This barefoot running thing is A-MAY-ZING!  My feet barely hurt and although my chest was cold and i couldn't feel my nostrils, i felt this was the healthier way to run.  I figure i should really nail a few of these runs in every other week.

Now I came across another genius running idea as well.  As some of you SLOW readers out there know, i like to dole out sage like running advice which will help put some pep in your step and make you less SLOW.  Today, i was thinking about how awesome it is when you take a gel pack and the burst of energy which ensues.  Well, don't you hate it when after you drink an energy drink, take a gel pack, eat a banana, and drink a gallon of water six hours before a race you have to use the bathroom?  It makes me mad because my body is practically wasting all of those nutrients which i had put into my body to help with my running in the first place.  So i decided that for tonights run i am going to make sure that all exits are "locked" with some type of duct tape or staple or something so that my retention ratio age grades at a 100%.  I will let you know how this goes...

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