Anyways, I did my morning run and for some reason there weren't a lot of cars on the road at 4:45 AM. And it must have been icy because the ones that were sure swerved a lot. One drove into a snow bank. Must have been driving a while because when i ran by, he was taking a nap. Must have been a really SLOW person trying to recover from a short 9 mile run. Anyways, The goal for the day was to run two ten mile runs. Hit this run at about a 58:33 which is ok for a monday morning. I didn't really feel like age grading it as i knew it would be disappointing. Didn't even feel like calling the ole coach either because we haven't talked in a while. I just hope the evening run would go better.
Later tonight, I was scheduled to run with this running guy named Matt Odin. A weird name indeed, as i think his surname was Norwegian for chocolate pudding. Anyways, he is kind of slow but he does try with these cute 110 mile weeks. I told him that i used to run 110 mile weeks, and then i turned 14. he didn't find this as funny as i did. Anyways, we hit the first mile at a 4:45 clip. We tried to converse during this warm-up but the winds were blowing in an easterly direction and we started off heading southwest which as you know causes the air to affect your lungs in a manner in which your breathing falls out of whack. Well, HE decided that we should be SLOW and we hit the second mile at a 5:10 clip. WTF! I immediately told him that I was training for the olympics and not the Park Ridge Charity Classic. He told me that we were going pretty fast. I said that this was probably the slowest mile i have ever run in my life. I decided to leave him. So i sprinted and hit the next mile at 4:59. Those winds must have gotten to me because the breathing fell out of whack again and also my legs began hurting. I think it was the way i sat at work today. Sometimes when you don't sit indian style in a desk chair, your legs will do funky things. well i thought i lost him, when during the fourth mile this kid comes running back to me. We hit mile four at 5:20, SLOW, DOH! Well clearly this run isn't going anywhere. So we get to talking and i ask him how his training is going. He said something about a run, when i got lost in my thoughts thinking about the olympics. I hate it when people actually answer the question. The point of me asking you how your running is going is so you can ask me the question back and then i can tell you how its going. Well i began to tell him mile-by-mile how my recovery run went and about how awesome my boston jacket was and how i felt during the first mile of this run. I told him about my diet and about some races i was planning on doing... He started to go on about Boston but i cut him off because i wasn't done talking yet. We hit mile 9 and i noticed we were at a 5:33 clip. How the "F" did we keep losing time? it is totally his fault. Anways, i started talking about my wednesday run when i noticed he ran across the street from me. So i quickly caught back up to him and told him more about key runs for this upcoming week. HE sprinted really quick and then turned a sharp left which was not our planned course. So i caught up to him and then told him the target mile-by-mile splits for my upcoming marathon.
Finally we get back to our cars, but not without this little game of cat and mouse, where he kept moving to different sides of the street. Turned out we ran more, we hit 13 miles in 1:13 which is ok, as i think it age grades at an 81%. But he seemed out of breath as he was hunched over and seemingly in a hurry looking for his keys. So i figured it would be a good time to relive one of my ole college races with him. I began telling him about this one 8k i ran when he got into his car and began to drive. Well i knew he would love the end of my story so i followed him home and then told him as he walked to his apartment. We walked to his door and i was right about to get to how i was feeling at mile three when he shut the door on me. I then decided to talk to him through the door. I don't know what he said through the door but it was loud..i think he was looking for mile splits so i gave them to him. It was finally 8:45 PM and after three hours i was done with the story and headed home. After all i gotta get some sleep. can't be entertaining people all night. On my way out, a few police officers parked a car and headed to my friend's building. I wonder what's going on there. Well i didn't have time to stay so i just went home.
Overall it was a good day and i was very happy i could keep my friends entertained with my great running stories.
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